Saturday 14 September 2024

Bologna in Summer

war in Bologna, Italia beruflich aber nur für 4 Tage

Im September 2024 war es in Italien immer noch heiß...

und den meisten Tagen waren es 30 Grad

aber als ich wieder Deutschland war, war die niedrigste nur 6 Grad...

4 Tage ist einfach zu kurs

Friday 23 August 2024

a few pictures


@leeuwarden, the netherlands

@dresden, deutschland

@dresden, deutschland

@rothenburg, deutschland

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Pressing the restart button

well well well.

At the age of constantly scrolling down for a favourite video clip, I am back blogging. 

Like said in the title, I've just hit the restart button.

Here is day 1, alles gut.

Apart from 
1. not being able to find a hairdryer in my flat after a long haul flat with very messy hair, 
2. waking up at 2 in the morning only to find out that it doesn't get 
3. getting lost on my way to the office with the navi on
4. not being able to log in to my work laptop
5. not having stable hot water supply 

so far all's going as normal.

Would also be updating on WX. Also thinking about having a T/T Channel but can't be f-ed.

Will see.

Ich wohne in Deutschland aber ich spreche kein Deutsch.

okay, that's all for today.


Monday 19 July 2021

5 more days to go...

Till the Tokyo 2020 game. Yep. The 2020 game.

This world’s not gone any better with Covid and shxt. 

The Delta variant has widespread across the world and mRNA vaccines don’t really seem to be effective enough against it.

As we speak there’s an unprecedented flooding crisis across the Low Countries and Germany. Whilst across the Atlantic, droughts and bush fires continue to be on high alert for the Americans. NZ has seen its warmest winter in a while. 

Just as we thought Covid limiting travels would mean lower collective carbon footprints. The extreme weather conditions that we’re seeing seems to tell a different story. What are we doing to protect the planet from climate change? 

I am not hopeful for a better future for the generations to come if all they do is spending 80% of their time on Tik Tok watching weird dance videos...

Saturday 15 August 2020

If you’re reading this from the future...

I assume you’re still cleaning up after all the mess first created back in 2020... Know that this mess was originated from the time when Trump got elected in 2016 and as of I write, he’s trying to get re-elected.

Also the Dem VP candidate is a minority woman. This was a historic moment.

There is a worldwide fxxking pandemic called COVID-19. Or SARS-2. Anyway it’s a corona virus. We’re still waiting for the vaccine to be ready. 

There was also a BLM movement, caused lives and jobs of major city chiefs. There was Portland Police Chief Jami R, Atlanta Chief Erika Shields, a couple of days ago Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best. 🤷🏻‍♀️

For our small island country, the much applauded Jacinda Arden is also seeking a 2nd term. Along with the general election, kiwis will be deciding on 2 important issues at a referendum in Sep. One, “end of life choice”, two legalising cannabis.

I am simply not able to imagine where we all will be this Xmas. Geographically or otherwise. 

Let’s just walk through this dark tunnel and know that there will be better days to come.

Hang in there.

Wednesday 27 December 2017

Happy Holidays!

2017 has been absolutely nuts for me.
wishing y'all a brilliant one ahead!

Monday 12 June 2017

Cultural Desert? ou pas?

The very first time that I came to know Isabelle was 2001. I was skimming through a bunch of videos and trying to find something new.

The cover of "la pianiste" caught my eye. It was somehow a very sensual image. I wanted to discover what the story was about.

So, that, was the beginning of a journey to uncover the treasure of French cinema through an actress.


16 years later, I was able to see Isabelle in person, performing live on stage, a reading performance!

It was a very powerful 70-minute session where you could feel, experience and live the world she created not by just reading the book aloud. Also through her emotions, her body language, her voice.

It's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Merci pour tous Isabelle! C'etait manifique!


Thursday 23 February 2017


even though Danish sounds quite harsh, with subtitles, you will not notice it anymore.

binge-watched 3 episodes last night already.


Sunday 1 January 2017

perfetti sconosciuti




有一種可能是,留言的那位,大型聲光電3D IMAX上的電影看得太多,囉。


同期推薦《force majeure》。

Wednesday 4 May 2016

en ce moment-la

like. (thumb up

Friday 25 December 2015

happy holidays!

all the best for the year ahead!

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Happy Holidays!

today's google doodle.

Monday 14 December 2015

Sans titre

It was my laziness in the beginning, then combined with an unfortunate incident, i.e., my cellphone fell into the toilet... Now am unable to share the pictures from my middle-east trip.

One thing for sure, with the advancement of technology, we rely way too much on machines...

Anyway, Jerusalem was great, too bad I am not religious.