Friday 3 July 2009


前面 z 小姐問到我關於生小孩的事情。



g said...

i would say..hving a child is selfish in some sense..hving an eternal target which u could love forever, finding some meaning/anchor for the rest of life, hving someone to lean on when you are old (wishful thinking), giving oneself the opportunity to re-grow and test one's strength. We are lone animals, and ageing is the inevitable path. I will give thought to hving a child, if there is an opportunity. in fact, sometimes i want more to hv a child than getting married.

c.r said...

g: yeah, i agree with you in the sense that you'll always have this one person to love for the rest of your life though it might even turn into unilateral selfless love. i don't know how one should react if the love becomes unreciprocated under circumstances.
i don't know if i want to get married or have children right now. i guess i'm not ready to make a big commitment, or really, any kind of commitment yet.

g said...

"if the love becomes unreciprocated under circumstances"

that's the problem. can any mothers around explain how this is/will be dealt with? How will the parental feelings change, from the point when your child is just born, turns 5, 15, and 20?

i was just checking fb and found the photos of a primary school classmate, which just gave birth to a baby. There is a photo showing my classmate's mother, and in my impression, she used to be very 清麗 woman (so as her daughter). of course, she looks old now. So here it is. Two generations of mothers. one succeed another. The cliched life paths suddenly become real. That makes you ponder if life can be just very simple, and one need not think/ask too much.

cr said...

In some sense, no matter how successful a person can be, s/he would also want to pass it on to the next generation through her/his wonderful genes. But that's a different story. E.g. Charles darwin and george darwin... :) but do successful ppl always have successful kids?