Sunday 20 September 2009

a picture is worth a thousand words



lu said...

oh.. we used to have 3 cherry blossoms trees at the entrance. the mainland chinese ppl who bought our house chopped them down once they had it. they sucked big time! :(

cr said...

but doesn't the city council get upset when you chop down trees like that? they didn't get a fine or sth?
why did they want to chop them down anyway?!!!! angry!!!

lu said...

i don't know. i was v sad when i went back to visit.

actually they also chopped down the pohutukawa and the magnolia trees and the pine in front of the house. geez.. they just chopped down all the trees i love.

(not sure if they get fined though. but they really should!!!)

cr said...

i wonder why they don't like those trees. man you should charge them for those trees, they aren't cheap to buy for a start. and chopping them down, i can't understand why!!!!

ARC should fine them, if i had known this, i'd tell on them to the ARC.

mad dog said...

wow lovely cherry blossoms!!!

c.r said...

md: yeah, it's quite a stunning scenery along the rd. and yet so delicate, when the cars drive by, the fallen petals would raise up high in the mid-air. really amazing. :D

lu said...

i'd have, too. but i was already a few years late XD

um... cherry blossoms are a hazzle to take care of... you have to sweep the petals off the street ma.

c.r said...

i know, cherry trees do give headaches. just look at the streets!!! full of petals. and then you'd have to clean up your garden after the blossoms are over. XD

cutting the grass gives enough headaches already. not all likes paying someone else to do it ma.