
I am talking off the top of my head now. I think in some way it is about job security and over compensation.
Bureaucrats in the government are scared to death they will be accused of not doing enough, so they tend to over do and over govern while often times the best practice is not doing anything at all. Now the public. Look at how many hours two income families are putting in at work and how much time they are spending with their kids actually raising them themselves. I am not here to fault them for working long hours because it is probably a necessity or a choice people consciously make, just stating that as a matter of fact. So I think some just over compensate whenever they can so as to alleviate their guilt of not teaching or spending enough time with their kids, look at the Cadbury's Portrait (eyebrows jiving) TV spot, people can get so afraid that they go and complain because their kids are going to turn bad because of that commercial.
Regarding the controversy arising from the Photoshopping out of the cigarette. I can understand the threat of a cigarette especially to the young and stupid. But I think they should simply run another poster instead of changing it. I am pretty sure it can be done.
i think you do have a point! and a good one, too!
having talked to my friends who work at various govt depts, they saw a trend of over-doing things since the new govt came in (in sheepland). they're always creating some extra "work" to make themselves look busy. even if it was something as stupid as filling out 5 different forms to get a stack of documents xeroxed...
i really don't understand what's so wrong with the eyebrows jiving ad. maybe some parents are just too busy and important to talk to their children for 5 minutes in a week or a month come to that. i hope they do text to their children if they do get uber busy though, it'll make the distance smaller (fingers crossed).
photoshopping out the ciggie was what BAHK did, the BSA (bullsh*t authority of sheepland) psed a pen to replace the ciggie. i don't know what they want, but it just looked so unnatural & unnecessary. we've long seen the original french version of it and people have been talking about it... i guess this then comes back to the first point that you raised. i'm running in circles again.
it's the same over here if not worse. and regarding the PS out the cigarette... it's not just a mere case of bad education to the young and stupid, but it's also a violation of the law (yes, there's a law in hk saying, i can't remember the exact wording, that any possibility to promote smoking via the public media is a violation to the law. geez...
i vaguely remember those regulations... yet the tobacco companies are so powerful and profitable.
i also remember when the french govt put up a tobacco tariff, the sales didn't go down but in fact increased by a very significant amount. no matter how high the price you charge, the smokers will consume anyway.
but on banning smoking in pubs and public areas, i'm pro that. i really hate to dine in a restaurant where someone right next to you is fuming up.
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