Sunday 23 August 2009


我 記得數年前,還在整天坐公車上下班上下學的時候,有一天坐link去上班,上車的時候已經沒有多少座位剩下了,只有幾個反坐的位子,我坐在一對學生妹的對 面。那時候剛剛放暑假,鬼妹們已經打扮得很清涼了。午後的陽光照在她們軟軟的毛茸茸的手臂上,反射出細碎的金光。西人最美的時候便是15,6歲,剛剛發 育,皮膚緊繃,光澤和彈性都在頂峰的狀態,粉紅色的嘴唇豐滿柔嫩,整個人像在牛乳中浸泡過一樣,又散發出玫瑰色柔和光澤。
今天又發生同樣的事,近日回暖,週末陽光又特別好,提起興致到使命灣去吃海鮮,就在那家誰都知道的甜品店樓上的誰都知道的餐館裡。走上樓便有 一名身材修長的小哥,瞇瞇眼一笑,彬彬有禮引我們入座。我忍不住偷偷跟媽媽說,那個男孩子真漂亮,是不是?於是一餐飯就不停對人家行注目禮,最後大概他也感受到我的眼神騷擾,走過我們這一桌時特別不自然地笑了一下。我這才收回放肆的眼光。


g said...

for me youth is already faraway..
it is only until last yr that i began to realise this truth...suddenly the cliched saying that all women ultimately age becomes so real. You heard it for a long time, and suddenly you realise the time has come.

c.r said...

lol. i firstly noticed the scary truth of aging when i was flicking through my graduation photos.
it has only been a couple of years, i look totally different. XD
scary scary.
it's good that i don't like being taken pictures that much.

g said...

cr, it is definitely not lol =_=

it is actually quite amazing if u look at the past photo of some celebrities .. 林青霞、鮑起靜、周梁淑儀、尤曾家麗( a few that i can recall O-mouthed when i saw their young looks). Looking at the photos, u realli understand what the passage of time means... : )

g said...


周梁淑儀 = 周梁淑怡

c.r said...

i saw a picture of 周梁淑怡 the other day, she actually looks quite amazing (younger than her actual age). i bet she looks even more so in person.
林青霞 is forever so beautiful. every man and woman loves her.
鮑起靜, i don't really remember her from older times. will have to look up her photos.
尤曾家麗, i also don't really remember what she looked like before. i vaguely remember her when she was still in charge of ITB. then she sort of disappeared after the reshuffle...

g said...

i try to google some photos but in vain..just fyi

周梁淑怡: the one in newspaper a few days ago. The story on how she 變身 to prepare for a talk-show. There is a young photo of her in long hair.

鮑起靜: saw that photo in 忽然一周. 眉清目秀,冇化粧都靚個依家明星多多聲。


I think i missed one very important person.. 劉慧卿.. 後生時濃眉大眼,wa a stunning beauty!

this post is quite mo-liu..forgive me

c.r said...

not at all la. general discussion jar ma.

emily lau, right right. i like her, she's always got a point and isn't afraid of anything!

g said...

emily lau kinda looks 倀雞 now..

of course, there is always a type of people " crocodile head, 老襯底"

simply because she is 粗聲粗氣 doesn't mean she is no good.. though i don't know her personally.

but her 氣質 when she is young is stunning..judged from the picture..suddenly u understand why Martin Lee fell for her

another psn i think of is 胡慧中. Again on her u see the passage of time +_+

c.r said...



(默默地因爲放心吐口氣——以後自己老了也不會很醜了,因爲年輕時已經不好看。哈哈哈~who's laughing now!)

g said...


算啦,口賤如我,第日個樣可能仲不堪..年紀大,建立家庭,生左仔女,成副心思已擺在唔同地方..我唔相信他們仲care 呢樣野..


c.r said...



顧小鶴 said...


c.r said...
