是次的 "going up and down" 之 "going down" 部分,有句我喜歡的。
"the curious case of benjamin button - it's like forrest gump. only worse."
z小姐和m小姐看過 "slumdog millionaire" 以後也並無覺得有甚出色。
z小姐以爲將之誇大到好看過 "the lives of others" 是完全沒有理據的。
而在此之前,我已經因爲一部 "the darjeeling limited" 而十分嚮往去探訪印度了。
對於kate winslet,我倒是一路支持的。
其實在一部有emma thompson,有alan rickman,有hugh grant的戲中,仍舊可以閃出自己的光,總是説明了些什麽的。

photo credit: randykepple.com
S&S裡的Kate真是印象難忘,同Emma Thompson拍住,一點也沒比下去,是時候再拿這齣戲出來重溫了!
i like the way she puts up her leg in the ad :D
can't read the writing though.. too small for my bad eyesight
sherry: 係架,特別嗰時李安冇特別出名。不過 kate都係有oscar提名嘅,而且贏咗befta。emma仲贏咗oscar嘅best screenplay!我仲買咗ost……
lu: i don't exactly remember the exact things, can't see very clearly either... but here you go.
my name is: kate winslet
childhood ambition: to act
fondest memory: camping as a child in cornwall, UK
soundtrack: ???
retreat: any beach anywhere
wildest dream: a cure for breast cancer
proudest moment:giving birth to my children
biggest challenge: my job
alarm clock: my son
perfect day: sunday lunches with all the family in England
first job: a kids cereal commercial
indulgence: chocolate
last purchase: latte and a muffin
favorite movie: waiting for guffman (i can't really see)
inspiration: my parents
My life: is my family
My card: american express
thanks, cr ;)
sure, any time. :D
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