Thursday 18 March 2010

金句王 L 重現江湖

C: 讀書好玩嗎?
L: 不好玩,都沒有朋友的。
C: 但你是不屑和小孩做朋友的,90後,大部分都是腦殘。
L: 哈哈哈,人家也不屑跟歐巴桑做朋友。
C: 我不是歐巴桑!再說了!歐巴桑都是寶來的。
L: 他們覺得我們是歐巴桑,哈哈哈。
C: 他們不懂罷了,我們是歐巴桑,那他們父母不是可以去死了?
L: 對啊,他們覺得父母是化石,史前動物。
C: ……
L: 我們的世界多麼奇妙,活化石跟腦殘齊飛。


顧小鶴 said...


g said...

wa.. don't call yourself old la (but on the street mothers asked their children to call me "yi yi" instead of 'jie jie". That had happened TWICE. TWICE !! )

i guess u & your friend are just around 26-27.. pretty young. People should not be able to tell the difference. Should be able to mix with U students.

c.r said...

L: 為人民服務!

g: when i was 15, some random mother on the bus asked her kid to call me "uncle". laughing my head off now. that was an awkward moment.

another time i was 1st year postgrad, but a cab driver thought i was doing high school. what a compliment, i gave him a big tip.

i do look quite "mature" these days with my crazy hair, i no longer get carded at the check-out counters. sob sob.