Friday 12 March 2010

predictable conversation






RandomCoil said...


I think it is true... but first they want us to have a 'secure future' which their view and our view might not coincide...

cr said...

how does one define "secure" then? how "secure" is secure? what's the correlation b/w "secure" and "successful"?

i dunno. maybe they don't either. (shrugs)

g said...

so i am doing a job which in the eyes of many secure, very secure, yet also boring, or put it more precisely, boring/extreme unwillingness to take risk is my innate personality so i shouldn't blame.
With this in mind, i come to be awake from the past illusion. cliche indeed, and not much value of discussion. so that's it.

c.r said...

這個只能說明你的risk aversion高,或者未必和你的utility function有特別大的關係。:D

job security is soooo important. sometimes it's more important than job satisfaction! XD (now that i'm out of jobs, i feel the pain.)

g said...

thx, but the wiki page is a bit long to consume : D (i wish to have studied economics though. i feel it is an exciting and logical subject, much lke law!)

risk aversion not equal to utility function --> i hope so! Only god know if there will be an earthquake/re-engineering & we are all forced out of jobs in mid-life...

travel brings depth. always feel u guys, 5-point included & countless others, write and think in a way different form mine......

c.r said...

economics is far from being exciting and logical.

as per earthquakes. gosh isn't it a bit too frequent to have so many high-magnitude quakes lately? i think that we're going thru a period of re-defining the plate boundaries or sth scary like that deep down... inside... who knows if i'd still be alive 50 years down the track... T.T

i'm not well travelled. but 5-point is deeply admired. he's precise & concise.

g said...

i know these compliment words are shallow and non-practical. just regard it as sweet talk, haha.

氣度 is what i always wish to attain. again, i am not referring to any blogger here. haha.

God damn it. It is fcukingly humid & misty these days. Wall is fully spread with mould. God knows if the steel inside will rotten and my building just collapse as the Ma Tau Wai one..

c.r said...

thanks though! we all need a bit of compliments to keep us going! :D

after seeing so many weird ppl/things, you'll certainly be more big-hearted. 所謂見怪不怪,其怪必敗。

get a dehumidifier or sth, it's better for your health too. :)